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Working with Files using FSO

Working with Files using FSO


Filesystemobject is an object model which is used to handle the drives, folders, and files of a system or server.

♦  If an user needs to work on Driver, Folder, Files properties,methods or events then the first step he need to setup is

♦  File system object is an interface between QTP and the local system. using FSO we can create/delete folder,create/delete/read
    from/write to text files

♦ The FileSystemObject (FSO) object model allows you to use the familiar object.method syntax with a rich set of properties,
    methods, and events to process folders and files

Object/Collection Description:


File system object is a Main object. Contains methods and properties that allow you to create, delete, gain information about, and generally manipulate drives, folders, and files. Many of the methods associated with this object duplicate those in other FSO objects; they are provided for convenience.


Drive is a Object. Contains methods and properties that allow you to gather information about a drive attached to the system, such as its share name and how much room is available. Note that a "drive" isn't necessarily a hard disk, but can be a CD-ROM drive, a RAM disk, and so forth. A drive doesn't need to be physically attached to the system; it can be also be logically connected through a network.


Drives are Collection. Provides a list of the drives attached to the system, either physically or logically. The Drives collection includes all drives, regardless of type. Removable-media drives need not have media inserted for them to appear in this collection.


File is a Object. Contains methods and properties that allow you to create, delete, or move a file. Also allows you to query the system for a file name, path, and various other properties.


Files are Collection. Provides a list of all files contained within a folder.


Folder is a Object. Contains methods and properties that allow you to create, delete, or move folders. Also allows you to query the system for folder names, paths, and various other properties.


Folders are Collection. Provides a list of all the folders within a Folder.


TextStream is a Object. Allows you to read and write text files.

Creating a FileSystemObject Object:

First, create a FileSystemObject object by using the CreateObject method.

The following code displays how to create an instance of the FileSystemObject:
Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Using the Appropriate Method
Second, use the appropriate method of the FileSystemObject object. For example, to create a new object, use either CreateTextFile

Method: CreateTextFile

Description: Creates a specified file name and returns a TextStream object that can be used to read from or write to the file

Syntax: Set objfile = fso.CreateTextFile(filename[, overwrite[, Unicode]])

fso:(Required) The name of a FileSystemObject object previously instantiated
filename:(Required) A string expression that identifies the file to create
overwrite:(Optional) Boolean value that indicates whether you can overwrite an existing file. The value is True if the file
can be overwritten, False if it can't be overwritten. If omitted, existing files are not overwritten (default False).
unicode:(Optional) Boolean value that indicates whether the file is created as a Unicode or ASCII file. If the value is True, the file is created as a Unicode file. If the value is False, the file is created as an ASCII file. If omitted, an ASCII file is assumed.
'Create a filesystemObject
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Create a non existing file "qtptest.txt "  with overwrite option as True
Set qfile1=fso.CreateTextFile("C:\qtptest.txt",True,False) 
'Output --> New File "qtptest.txt " is created

'Close the files
'Release the allocated objects
Set qfile1=nothing 
'Create a filesystemObject
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Create a   file "qtptest.txt "  in C Drive . 
'Then  run the below statement with overwrite option as False
 'Output --> Error message "Fie already exists" is displayed
Set qfile2=fso.CreateTextFile("C:\qtpexist.txt",False,False)
Set fso=nothing

Method: CopyFile
Description: Copies one or more files from one location to a new location

Syntax: fso.CopyFile (source, destination[, overwrite])

fso:(Required) The name of a FileSystemObject object previously instantiated.
source:(Required) A character string file specification, which can include wildcard characters, for one or more files to be copied.
destination:(Required) Character string destination where the file or files from source are to be copied.Wildcard characters are not allowed in the destination string.
overwrite:(Optional) Boolean value that indicates if existing files are to be overwritten. If True, files are overwritten; if False, they are not. The default is True. Note that CopyFile will fail if destination has the read-only attribute set, regardless of the value of overwrite.
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'File to be copied Sourcefile="C:\copy.txt"'Dest folder where the file has to be copied

'If the destination doesnot exist then create the destination folder

If fso.FolderExists(Destination) = false Then   
fso.CreateFolder (Destination)
End If  

'Copy the file 

fso.CopyFile Sourcefile,Destination,True
Set fso=nothing

Method: DeleteFile

Description: Deletes a specified file

Syntax: fso.DeleteFile (filename[, force])

fso: (Required) The name of a FileSystemObject object previously instantiated
filename:(Required) The name of the file to delete. The filename can contain wildcard characters in the last path component.
force:(Optional) Boolean value that is True of files with the read-only attribute set are to be deleted;False if they are not. False is the default.
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'File to be  deleted.  Sourcefile="C:\copy.txt"  'Delete the file
fso.DeleteFile Sourcefile

Set fso=nothing

Method: CreateFolder

Description: Creates a new folder in the specified location

Syntax: fso.CreateFolder(foldername)

fso:(Required) The name of a FileSystemObject object previously instantiated.
foldername:(Required) A character string expression that identifies the folder to create.
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Folder to be created Foldername="D:\Folder_create"  
'If the folder doenot exst then create the folder
If fso.FolderExists(Foldername) = false Then

 fso.CreateFolder (Foldername)

End If

Set fso=nothing

Method: CopyFolder

Description: Copies a folder to a new location

Syntax: fso.CopyFolder (source, destination[, overwrite])

fso:(Required) The name of a FileSystemObject object previously instantiated.
source:(Required) A character string folder specification, which can include wildcard characters, for one or more folders to be copied. Wildcard characters can only be used in the last path component of the source argument.
destination:(Required) Character string destination where the folder and subfolders from source are to be copied. Wildcard characters are not allowed in the destination string.
overwrite:(Optional) Boolean value that indicates if existing folders are to be overwritten. If True, files are overwritten; if False, they are not. The default is True.
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Folder to be created SourcePath="D:\Folder_create" DestinationPath="D:\Destination\"  
'If the folder doesnot exst then create the folder

If fso.FolderExists(DestinationPath) = false Then

 fso.CreateFolder (DestinationPath)
End If

fso.CopyFolder  SourcePath,DestinationPath,True
Set fso=nothing

Method: MoveFolder

Description: Moves one or more folders from one location to another.

Syntax: fso.MoveFolder (source, destination)

fso:(Required) The name of a FileSystemObject object previously instantiated.
source:(Required) The path to the folder or folders to be moved. The source argument string can contain wildcard charactersin the last path component only.
destination:(Required) The path where the folder or folders are to be moved. The destination argument can't contain wildcard characters.
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Folder to be created SourcePath="D:\Folder_move" DestinationPath="D:\Destination\" 
'If the folder doesnot exst then create the folder

If fso.FolderExists(DestinationPath) = false Then

 fso.CreateFolder (DestinationPath)
End If

fso.MoveFolder  SourcePath,DestinationPath

Set fso=nothing

Method: DeleteFolder

Description: Deletes the specified folder and its contents

Syntax: fso.DeleteFolder (folderspec[, force])

fso:(Required) The name of a FileSystemObject object previously instantiated
folderspec:(Required) The name of the folder to delete. The folderspec can contain wildcard characters in the last path component.
force:(Optional) Boolean value that is True of folders with the read-only attribute set are to be deleted;False if they are not. False is the default.
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Folder to be  deleted.  FolderDel="D:\final1"  'Delete the folder

Set fso=nothing

Method: DriveExists

Description: Determines whether or not a specified drive exists

Syntax: fso.DriveExists (drivespec)

fso:(Required) The name of a FileSystemObject object previously instantiated.
drivespec:(Required) A drive letter or a complete path specification.
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'The drive to check the existence

 If fso.DriveExists(drivepath) then 
 msgbox  "Drive Exists"  Else    Msgbox "Drive doesnot Exist"

End If
Set fso=nothing

Method: FileExists

Description: Determines whether or not a specified file exists

Syntax: fso.FileExists (filespec)

fso:(Required) The name of a FileSystemObject object previously instantiated.
filespec:(Required) The name of the file whose existence is to be determined. A complete path specification (either absolute or relative) must be provided if the file isn't expected to exist in the current folder.
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'The file to check the existence

If fso.FileExists(filepath) then
 msgbox  "File Exists"
 Msgbox "File doesnot Exist"
End If

Set fso=nothing

Method: FolderExists

Description: Determines whether or not a specified folder exists

Syntax: fso.FolderExists (folderspec)

fso:(Required) The name of a FileSystemObject object previously instantiated.
folderspec:(Required) The name of the folder whose existence is to be determined. A complete path specification (either absolute or relative) must be provided if the folder isn't expected to exist in the current folder.
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'The Folder to check the existence

If fso.FolderExists(folderpath)  then
 msgbox  "Folder Exists"
 Msgbox "Folder doesnot Exist"
End If

Set fso=nothing

Method: GetDrive

Description: Returns a Drive object corresponding to the drive for a specified path

Syntax: objDrv = fso.GetDrive(drivespec)
fso:(Required) The name of a FileSystemObject object previously instantiated.
drivespec:(Required) The drivespec argument can be a drive letter (c), a drive letter with a colon appended (c:), a drive letter with a colon and path separator appended (c:\), or any network share specification (\\computer2\share1).
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Drive for  getting details  Sourcefile="C:\"  Set get_drv=fso.GetDrive(Sourcefile) 
 'Some of the following details can be retrieved from a drive
msgbox  get_drv.AvailableSpace
Msgbox  get_drv.DriveLetter
msgbox  get_drv.DriveType
msgbox  get_drv.FileSystem
msgbox  get_drv.FreeSpace
msgbox  get_drv.Path
Msgbox  get_drv.RootFolder
Msgbox  get_drv.SerialNumber
Msgbox  get_drv.TotalSize

Set fso=nothing

Method: GetFolder

Description: Returns a Folder object corresponding to the folder in a specified path

Syntax: objFolder = fso.GetFolder(folderSpec)

fso:(Required) The name of a FileSystemObject object previously instantiated.
folderSpec:(Required) The folderspec is the path (absolute or relative) to a specific folder.
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Folder  for  getting details  
Set get_folder=fso.GetFolder(Sourcefolder) 

'get the subfolders count in a folder
Set  get_subfolder=get_folder.SubFolders

For  each  sfile  in get_subfolder
'Get the name of each folder


Set fso=nothing

Method: GetFile

Description: Returns a File object corresponding to the file in the specified path. The file object methods and properties can be accessed. See File Object for the file object’s methods and properties.

Syntax: objFile = fso.GetFile(fileSpec)
fso:(Required) The name of a FileSystemObject object previously instantiated.
fileSpec:(Required) The filespec is the path (absolute or relative) to a specific file.

Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'File for  getting details  Sourcefile="D:\qtptest.txt"
 Set get_file=fso.GetFile(Sourcefile) 

'Some of  the following details can be retrieved from a file
msgbox  get_file.DateCreated
msgbox  get_file.DateLastAccessed
msgbox  get_file.DateLastModified
msgbox  get_file.ParentFolder
msgbox  get_file.Path

Set fso=nothing      

Text Stream Object Methods:

Method: Close

Description: Closes an open TextStream file

Syntax: objTso.Close

objTso:(Required) The name of a TextStream Object previously instantiated.
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Open the file "qtptest.txt" in writing mode. 
Set qfile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\qtptest.txt",2,True) 

'write contents to the file into a single line
qfile.Write  "Welcome to the World of QTP"
qfile.Write "the file name is qtptest.txt"
'Open the file "qtptest.txt" in reading mode. 

Set qfile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\qtptest.txt",1,True) 

'Read  the entire contents of  priously written file

Do while qfile.AtEndOfStream <> true
 'Output --> The file will contain the above written content  in  single line. 
Msgbox  qfile.ReadLine 

'Close the files

'Release the allocated objects
Set qfile=nothing
Set fso=nothing

Method: Read

Description: Reads a specified number of characters from a TextStream file and returns the resulting string.

Syntax: strChars = objTso.Read(numCharacters)

objTso:(Required) The name of a TextStream Object previously instantiated.
numCharacters:(Required) The number of characters you want to read from the file
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Open the file "qtptest.txt" in writing mode.
Set qfile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\qtptest.txt",2,True)
'write contents to the file into two newlines
qfile.Writeline  "Welcome to the World of QTP"
qfile.Writeline  "the file name is qtptest.txt"
'Open the file "qtptest.txt" in reading mode.
Set qfile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\qtptest.txt",1,True)
'Read  characters from the file
Msgbox  qfile.Read(10)                 'Output --> "Welcome to"  will be read
'Close the files

'Release the allocated objects
Set qfile=nothing
Set fso=nothing

Method: ReadAll

Description: Reads the entire TextStream file and returns the resulting string.

Syntax: strChars = objTso.ReadAll

objTso:(Required) The name of a TextStream Object previously instantiated.
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Open the file "qtptest.txt" in writing mode.
Set qfile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\qtptest.txt",2,True)
'write contents to the file into two newlines
qfile.Writeline  "Welcome to the World of QTP"
qfile.Writeline  "the file name is qtptest.txt"
'Open the file "qtptest.txt" in reading mode.
Set qfile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\qtptest.txt",1,True)
'Read  the entire contents of  priously written file

Msgbox  qfile.ReadAll  'Output --> Displays the entire file.

'Close the files

'Release the allocated objects
Set qfile=nothing
Set fso=nothing

Method: ReadLine

Description: Reads an entire line (up to, but not including, the newline character) from a TextStream file and returns the resulting string.

Syntax: strChars = objTso.ReadLine

objTso:(Required) The name of a TextStream Object previously instantiated.
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Open the file "qtptest.txt" in writing mode.
Set qfile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\qtptest.txt",2,True)
'write contents to the file into two newlines
qfile.Writeline  "Welcome to the World of QTP"
qfile.Writeline  "the file name is qtptest.txt"
'Open the file "qtptest.txt" in reading mode.
Set qfile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\qtptest.txt",1,True)
'Read  the entire contents of  priously written file
Do while qfile.AtEndOfStream <> true
Msgbox  qfile.ReadLine  'Output --> The file will be read line line by line. 

'Close the files

'Release the allocated objects
Set qfile=nothing
Set fso=nothing

Method: Write:

Description: Writes a specified string to a TextStream file.

Syntax: objTso.Write(string)

objTso:(Required) The name of a TextStream Object previously instantiated.
string:(Required) The text you want to write to the file.
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Open the file "qtptest.txt" in writing mode.
Set qfile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\qtptest.txt",2,True)
'write contents to the file into a single line
qfile.Write  "Welcome to the World of QTP"
qfile.Write "the file name is qtptest.txt"
'Open the file "qtptest.txt" in reading mode.
Set qfile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\qtptest.txt",1,True)
'Read  the entire contents of  priously written file
Do while qfile.AtEndOfStream <> true
 'Output --> The file will contain the above written content  in  single line. 
Msgbox  qfile.ReadLine

'Close the files

'Release the allocated objects
Set qfile=nothing
Set fso=nothing

Method: WriteLine

Description: Writes a specified string and newline character to a TextStream file.

Syntax: objTso.WriteLine([string])

objTso:(Required) The name of a TextStream Object previously instantiated.
string:(Optional) The text you want to write to the file.
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Open the file "qtptest.txt" in writing mode.
Set qfile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\qtptest.txt",2,True)
'write contents to the file into two newlines
qfile.Writeline  "Welcome to the World of QTP"
qfile.Writeline  "the file name is qtptest.txt"
'Open the file "qtptest.txt" in reading mode.
Set qfile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\qtptest.txt",1,True)
'Read  the entire contents of  priously written file
Do while qfile.AtEndOfStream <> true
 'Output --> The file will contain the above written content  line by line.
Msgbox  qfile.ReadLine 

'Close the files

'Release the allocated objects
Set qfile=nothing
Set fso=nothing

Method: WriteBlankLines

Description: Writes a specified number of newline characters to a TextStream file.

Syntax: objTso.WriteBlankLines(numLines)

objTso:(Required) The name of a TextStream Object previously instantiated.
numLines:(Required) The number of newline characters you want to write to the file.
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Open the file "qtptest.txt" in writing mode.
Set qfile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\qtptest.txt",2,True)
'write contents to the file into two newlines
qfile.Writeline  "Welcome to the World of QTP"
'will insert 4 new  blank lines
qfile.Writeline  "the file name is qtptest.txt"
'Open the file "qtptest.txt" in reading mode.
Set qfile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\qtptest.txt",1,True)
'Read  the entire contents of  priously written file
Do while qfile.AtEndOfStream <> true
 'Output --> The file will be read file line by line. 
Msgbox  qfile.ReadLine

'Close the files

'Release the allocated objects
Set qfile=nothing
Set fso=nothing

Property: AtEndOfLine

Description: Indicates whether the file pointer is positioned immediately before the end-of-line marker in a TextStream file.

Syntax: objTso.AtEndOfLine

objTso:(Required) The name of a TextStream Object previously instantiated.
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Open the file "qtptest.txt" in writing mode.
Set qfile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\qtptest.txt",2,True)
'write contents to the file into newline
qfile.Writeline  "Welcome to the World of QTP"
'Open the file "qtptest.txt" in reading mode.
Set qfile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\qtptest.txt",1,True)
Do while qfile.AtEndOfLine <> true
Msgbox  qfile.Read(1)  'Output --> The file will be read word by word. 

'Close the files

'Release the allocated objects
Set qfile=nothing
Set fso=nothing

Property: AtEndOfStream

Description: Indicates whether the file pointer is positioned at the end of a TextStream file.

Syntax: objTso.AtEndOfStream

objTso:(Required) The name of a TextStream Object previously instantiated.
Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Open the file "qtptest.txt" in writing mode.
Set qfile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\qtptest.txt",2,True)
'write contents to the file into two newlines
qfile.Writeline  "Welcome to the World of QTP"
qfile.Writeline  "the file name is qtptest.txt"
'Open the file "qtptest.txt" in reading mode.
Set qfile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\qtptest.txt",1,True)
'Read  the entire contents of  previously written file
Do while qfile.AtEndOfStream <> true
Msgbox  qfile.ReadLine  'Output --> The file will be read line line by line. 

'Close the files

'Release the allocated objects
Set qfile=nothing
Set fso=nothing


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