Download Eclipse for Java Developers, extract and save it on any drive. It is totally free. You can run ‘eclipse.exe’ directly so you do not need to install Eclipse in your system. In this tutorial we will see how to Install Eclipse IDE And Set up a Project in Eclipse for Appium Mobile Automation.
Steps to Download and Install Eclipse IDE
1) Go to
2) For Windows users, you will have to know what type of version of your OS you have. If your computer is a 64 bit Windows, select Windows 64 and if you have a 32 bit Windows, select Windows 32 bit.
3) Save the .zip file to your disk.
4) Once you have downloaded the Eclipse archive you will need to Extract the zip file, which will create the unzipped Eclipse folder. You may want to Extract the archive to the root of C: drive, thus creating the folder “C:eclipse”, or just moved the extracted eclipse folder to the root of C: drive if you extracted it already.
5) Open the eclipse folder from the location where you have saved it. I have kept it on C drive.
6) Since Eclipse IDE does not have any installer, there will be a file inside the Eclipse folder named eclipse.exe. You candouble click on the file to run Eclipse.
Note: This step is not required, but it’s strongly recommended. Right-click the Eclipse Icon and press “Send To” -> “Desktop (Create Shortcut).” Now you will be able to launch Eclipse from your desktop.
Steps to Set Up First Eclipse Project
Create a “working directory” for all of your projects. Think of it like “My Documents” in the Windows operating system. It’s a folder which contains a lot of your documents, but there’s nothing to prevent you from creating another folder called “My Other Documents” (for instance) to house other documents.
Typically you only need one workspace, and you can think of it as your “My Documents” for Java code. If you wanted to, you could have more than one, but chances are you won’t have a use for more. To keep it simple we will go with default settings and once you are comfortable with Eclipse, You can change it later on from ‘Switch Workspace‘ under ‘File‘ menu of eclipse. After selecting workspace folder, Eclipse will be open.
Step 1: Select WorkSpace on Eclipse start up
a) Create a workspace folder where you will contain all the program files you create. You can choose whatever place you want for your workspace, but it’s easiest to just use the default you’re given.
b) You may see the window like this, this is the Welcome window for Eclipse. You may close this window.
Step 2: Create a new Project
Projects: A collection of related code. Generally speaking, each project encompasses one independent program. Each programming assignment you do will typically require its own project.
Once you’ve established your workspace, you’ll want to create a project and begin writing code. In Eclipse, projects are the next-smallest functional unit after workspaces, but where you might have only one workspace, you will usually have several projects inside one workspace.
a) Create new Java Project from File > New > Project.
b) Give your Project name ‘AppiumTestProject‘ as shown in below given screenshot. Click on Finish button.
c) In case you have selected Next instead of FInish in the previous step, you will get this below window. Click on Finish this time and you are done with the project creation.
Note: You may or may not see this message but if in case you get any, check Remember my decision and click on Yes.
Step 2: Create a new Package
a) Right click on folder ‘src‘ and select New > Package.
a) Give your Package name ‘amazon‘ and click on Finish button.
Step 3: Create a new Class
Now that you have a project set up, you’re going to start writing some new classes.
a) Right click on Package ‘amazon‘ and select New > Class.
b) Give your Class name ‘StartApplication‘, check the option ‘public static void main‘ and click on Finish button. This will bring up totally a sweet class creation window.
Note: In case of not creating class for Main test case, please do not click ‘public static void main’. We need to select it only in case of writing test cases which we are going to execute and from where we call other classes. This will be our main method or a starting point to test. For functional classes we don’t need this to be checked.
c) Now your Eclipse window will looks like bellow.
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