How to Set Up Android Environment Variable / Path on Windows
After you’ve installed the Android SDK Environment Kit in Windows, you must set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable to point to the Android SDK installation directory. Let’s just set up the Android Environment Variable but to achieve that you are required to have the Android installation path with you. In the last chapter we did the installation in the following path but choose the right path in case you changed the default location for the installation.
Step 1: Setting the ANDROID_HOME Variable
1) Open the Control Panel -> System or Security –> System; the same thing can be done by right-clicking on ‘MyComputer’ and choosing Properties.
2) Choose ‘Advanced system settings‘.
3) Under the Advanced tab Choose the ‘Environment Variable…‘ option.
4) Select New In the System variables.
5) Define the Variable name as ‘ANDROID_HOME‘ and Variable value as ‘C:\Users\lsharm\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk‘.
Note : if needed, modify this string to reflect the real location of your machine.
Step 2: Setting PATH Variables for Android SDK
6) Now we need to specify the ‘tools‘ folder location in the PATH variable of android sdk package. For PATH, most probably it will already exists in your machine. So just select it and choose the Edit option.
7) In the editor add the value ‘;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools‘ or ‘;C:\Users\lsharm\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\tools‘.
8) Now we need to specify the ‘platform-tools‘ folder location in the PATH variable of android sdk package. Select the Path variable and choose the Edit option.
9) In the editor add the value ‘;%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools‘ or ‘;C:\Users\lsharm\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools‘.
Note: This screenshot says platforms but it is wrong, please select ptatform-tools.
10) Now go to Start and type cmd in the Run and hit Enter. It will launch the Command Prompt. Type ‘android‘.
Note: If the cmd is already opened, please close it and start it again before typing android.
11) it will open the Android SDK Manager.
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