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Install Android SDK / ADB on Windows

How to Install Android SDK / ADB on Windows

Android is an Operating System for mobile devices developed by Google, which is built upon Linux kernel. Android competes with Apple’s iOS (for iPhone/iPad), RIM’s Blackberry, Microsoft’s Windows Phone, Symbian OS, and many other proprietary mobile OSes. The Android Software Developer Kit, simply named as Android SDK, or ADB is what all the advance users of Android should have installed on their Windows running computers.

Now, the Android SDK contains the platform tools and the ADB drivers and by using this step by step guide you will learn how to install the mentioned tools on your Windows based computer. But, before beginning the proper operations there should be applied some pre requisites. You have the same explained and detailed during the next list of tasks, so take your time and read the preparation procedures. Then, you can safely take care of the installation process.
  • The Android SDK has some basic system requirement; before going any further check them by using the link from here.
  • Also, on your computer you will have to download JDK, the Java Development Kit; use the link from here.
1) Download the Android SDK Tools from here. Just go the the bottom of the page where you will find the text ‘Other Download Options‘ and go for ‘SDK Tools Only‘. Choose the downloadable file corresponds to yourOperating System.
2) Tick the Terms and Conditions check box and proceed with the downloading..
3) So, download the starter package and save the file on the computer.
4) Extract the file if it is saved as zipped and double click the installer.
5) To run the installer, click Run.
6)  The installation process starts. Click the Next button to continue the installation.
7)  Just leave these alone and click Next.
8)  Again, click on Next.
9)  After the initial installation is done, window will ask you where you want to install the Android SDK. You can choose to change where you want to keep your folder but it’s best to stick with what you were given first. Click Next to continue.
10)  Click on Next.
11) Let the installation finish and then click on Next.
12)  I will suggest you to Untick the ‘Start SDK Manager‘ and click on Finish.
13) If in case you have left the Check-Box ticked, it will open the SDK Manager. Now close the SDK Manager and proceed with the next installation on next chapter.


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