1- Introduction to Mobile Automation
2- Download and Configure Appium/Maven Dependency
3- Launching Hybrid/Native Apps with Appium
4- Identifying Elements-1
5- Identifying Elements-2
6- XML Viewer
7- Touch Actions
8- Exercises - 1
9- Exercises - 2
10- Web Application Testing
11- Page Object with - Page factory, Maven, ANT, Grid, JENKIN
12- Appium on IOS real device/Simulator
13- Appium, Android setup on Mac
14- Appium Mac IOS Identifying Element-1
15- Basics of Appium IOS Architecture
16- Locator Strategies - 1
17- Configuring/Running Selendroid
18- Configuring/Running Selendroid
Email- vivek.kumar02@gmail.com
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